As experienced worldwide the career of a professional footballer is, at best, a short one. For those unfortunate players who suffer serious injury it can be an all-too-brief flirtation with the beautiful game.  Whilst a chosen few stays in the game, in a coaching, technical or management capacity, a majority of players will probably have to earn their living outside the football arena.

The main aim for the PFA Education Department is to encourage as many current and former players to undertake suitable academic and/or vocational courses that enable them to develop their skills for future career prospects.

Given the strict training schedules, players are often reluctant to embark on courses because of the time commitment required. For their benefit TPFA Education Department is working closely with various partner institutions to arrange and design tailor-made courses in a range of topics which should be aimed at making learning interesting and accessible for all players. 

For further details, please refer to:

Football Association of Thailand Technical Development Department, Call: 063-860-8777 (M-F, 09.00 AM- 17.00 PM)

 สมาคมกีฬาฟุตบอลฯ ฝ่ายพัฒนาเทคนิค 

โทร. 063-860-8777 ในวันจันทร์-ศุกร์ ตั้งแต่เวลา 09.00-17.00 น.